SCI: Kok Payom (Learning community, fishery, forest management)

18-99 Jahre

07.03.2023 bis 20.03.2023

307€ €

Unterkunft, Verpflegung

Bewerbungsschluss: 31.01.2023

Noch -456 Tage

Worum geht’s?

Kok Payom is a strong Muslim fishermen community in Satun province, Southern Thailand. Over 30 families in the village gathered to protect the bio diversity of their mangrove forest for over 15 years. As DaLaa, we support them since 2009 by sending short and long term volunteers to help. This work camp will focus on building the tree house for the long term volunteers and visitors, and to renovate the community meeting places, volunteer will be able to feel and share the spirit and energy of the community.


Kind of work:

1. Revitalizing some areas of the mangrove forest by pruning the small trees branches and allowing them enough place to grow

2. Renovating/adjusting the surroundings in Klong Toh Lem school

3. Organizing activities with kids especially on Sundays at Klong Toh Lem Academy

4. Help organize a mini concert for fund raising to support mangrove forest conservation group

5. Learning about the local life of this fisherman’s village

Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

Interesse geweckt? Bewirb dich jetzt!


Laura Wille 0228 212087

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