SCI: School-1 in Mongolia

18-99 Jahre

06.03.2023 bis 19.03.2023

496€ €

Unterkunft, Verpflegung

Bewerbungsschluss: 30.01.2023

Noch -457 Tage

Worum geht’s?

The main work will be to teach English, songs, and games to the kids which can be advantageous for them to find jobs and also to exchange with international volunteers, in the future. Also, some renovation works. We may also do some workshops with them for Asian common actions of NVDA for forests.

The Workcamp will be organized together with MCE (Mongolian workCamps Exchange) and one of the secondary schools in the suburb of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Mongolia has 12 years Secondary school system. Until 1990 kids/students were studying only Russian as a second language, and since 1990 the political and economical system is changed. Since this time kids in Mongolia have chance to study the 3rd language. But English studying is still very poor and MCE is always focusing to improve it.

Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

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Laura Wille 0228 212087

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