SCI: Solving rhino poaching

18-99 Jahre

12.12.2022 bis 23.12.2022

409€ €

Unterkunft, Verpflegung

Bewerbungsschluss: 02.12.2022

Noch -513 Tage

Worum geht’s?

he poaching of white and black rhinos remains scourge in Botswana and the rest of the world. The rhinos surviving in the wilderness of Okavango delta are threatened by the rampant poachers. The Khama rhino Sanctuary in Botswana remains the success story of sustainable protection of the rhinos in the world. It is with, this that Khama Rhino Sanctuary has remained safe heaven for the rhinos since 1998. The sanctuary has a health population of both white and black rhinos through the support of BWA and international volunteers. The objective of the workcamp is to maintain support for the protection and restoration of the facilities in the habitat of these rhinos and also provide awareness and campaign for protection of rhino population worldwide.


Volunteers will carry awareness on adoption of rhinos, maintain the camp sites, foot trails, waste dumping sites and fix the park fences. Volunteers will also assist in renovation of waterhole cleaning, fixing rhinos paddocks/kraals and guests ablutions. Volunteers will also join day and evening game drives. Volunteers will also partake on rhino conservation educational lectures. Volunteers will also join the rangers for their animals’ counting exercises and patrols along the park fences.

Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

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Ulrich Hauke 0228-212086

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Service Civil International - Deutscher Zweig e.V.

Der Service Civil International, kurz SCI, ist eine gemeinnützige, internationale Organisation, die sich durch Freiwilligenarbeit für Frieden, gewaltfreie Konfliktlösung, soziale Gerechtigkeit, nachhaltige Entwicklung und interkulturellen Austausch einsetzt. Der SCI verfügt über ein Netzwerk von über 43 nationalen Zweigen auf fünf Kontinenten und arbeitet mit etwa 80 Partnerorganisationen zusammen.

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