
Volunteering in a beautiful community in rural France!

18-30 Jahre

01.01.2023 bis 30.11.2023

Reisekosten, Taschengeld, Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Versicherung, Vor-/Nachbereitung

Bewerbungsschluss: 13.09.2023

Noch -226 Tage

Worum geht’s?

L'Arche La Vallée is a medico-social establishment but it is above all a place where people, with and without disabilities, live together. It is the relationship between the person "helping" and the person "helped" that is at the heart of the project as a source of fulfilment for both. More information: www.arche-lavallee.org Presentation of the mission: You will be volunteering within the community of l’Arche la Vallée in the small town of Hauterives in southeast France. The community hosts adults with mental disabilities around values of solidarity, fraternity and openness. You will take part of various workshops with them like arts, gardening, games etc. You will be also able to organise activities and workshops. Be aware that the community is located in a rural area, it is beautiful but quite remote and far from urban areas. The closest big cities are Grenoble (1h drive) and Lyon (1h30 drive). A car can be borrowed to go around during free time.


Participant profile:

you are motivated, patient and want to learn and share. You like nature and you are ready to live surrounded by it. A small experience in the field of personal care is appreciated, but not compulsory at all - motivation and a humanist attitude are very important.

Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

Interesse geweckt? Bewirb dich jetzt!


Florian Diegmann - Europabüro 06021-77124425 europa@invia-aschaffenburg.de

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