Kultur und Art Initiative e.V.
Gründungsjahr: 2004
Charles-Lindbergh-Ring 10, 32756 Detmold
Rechtsform: e.V.
Rechtssitz in Deutschland: Detmold
Gemeinnützigkeit: Kultur und Art Initiative e.V. ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt з>

Unsere Programme
Kultur & Art Initiative e.V. was established 17 years ago and it is an intercultural and intergenerational non-profit organisation composed of members from different nations, age groups with different professional backgrounds who have got professional experiences in youth, refugees, migration, non-formal education and media production for many years.
Kultur & Art Initiative e.V. develops and implements intercultural projects.
Our aim is to realize projects with people of different ethnic origins. Our concept is based on contents of social and intercultural integration. We want to work against passive cultural consumption by using active cultural work.
This is why we offer creative and project-orientated opportunities to our participants in addition to media educational workshops and international youth exchanges. In this context we organise “Erasmus+” projects and we work in the fields of youth policy and youth work development.
Since our establishment, Kultur und Art Initiative e.V. implemented many projects in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme, Erasmus+ and many different EU projects like Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey, Civil Society Facility EU- Turkey Intercultural Dialogue Culture and Arts (ICD-CA) or Youth Initiatives for Dialogue.
We have been organising International Short Film Festival Detmold since 2005.
We have been cooperating with North Rhine- Westphalia, the culture team of City of Detmold, LWL, Federal Foreign Office, the Hochschule Ostwesmalen-Lippe, the Hochschule für Musik Detmold, local radio communication and television and some local associations.
Our association provides opportunities for extracurricular youth work, including advice on media education, workshops, performances, support in execution of projects. The offers are free of charge and suitable for those who are interested in. Our office is in Detmold, by the culture factory Hangar 21 in Detmold.
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