Au-Pair in Germany
Au pair stays are one of the oldest forms of European mobility. The French word “au pair” means “mutually” and stands for a young person living abroad with another family. Approximately 7.000 young men and women come to Germany as au pair every year. They help with childcare and household duties in their host familiy. One of the primary aims of an au pair stay is to develop strong language skills. But there's much more to discover and to learn when being an au pair!
Most of au pairs make enriching experiences which they remember for the rest of their lives, but some of them also have bad experiences. That’s why it is very important to be well prepared for your stay and to know your rights and duties and where you can get help if you are in trouble. Check out au pair agencies with the RAL Quality Seal here.
The German Federal Employment Agency provides information for au pairs and host families.