junger Mann zeigt mit ausgestrecktem Arm auf etwas und steht im Sonnenuntergang

School No. 14 for Children with Visual Impairments

18-30 Jahre

01.09.2024 bis 31.08.2025

Reisekosten, Taschengeld, Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Versicherung, Visum, Vor-/Nachbereitung

Bewerbungsschluss: 15.06.2024

Worum geht’s?

The School was founded in 1939, and it’s the only one in its kind, where the education is organized with Braille system. The pupils come from marzes (regions) of the Republic of Armenia as well as Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. They have various degrees of eyesight impairments. In the course of the existence of the school thanks to the knowledge and education that they obtained most of the graduates were able to find their place in the society` achieving success in various spheres of sciences.

The volunteer will spend their service in the school, close to the city center of Yerevan. He/she will be involved in all programs and will be encouraged to propose his/her own ideas and suggestions. The volunteer will live and work with the local community. Apart from working with the children, he/she will have the possibility to spend his/her free time with them and to learn a lot about Armenia. The volunteer will be involved in discussions and seminars about the future of the children and will be able to share his/her opinion on the situation with parents and staff of hospitals. With the help of the volunteer they will be able to organize more workshops, in which the children according to their health can draw, sculpture, sing and dance. The volunteer will help children to participate in all arts workshops and to support the staff in organizing these activities (painting, sculpturing, handicrafts, etc.)

Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

Interesse geweckt? Bewirb dich jetzt!


Haivu Doan esc@icja.de

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Disclaimer Dieser Datensatz wurde am 16.04.2024 selbstständig durch die Organisation 'ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V.' eingetragen. Eurodesk Deutschland übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit der angegebenen Daten!