junger Mann springt über gepflastertern Weg

National Gallery of Armenia

18-30 Jahre

01.09.2024 bis 31.08.2025

Reisekosten, Taschengeld, Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Versicherung, Visum, Vor-/Nachbereitung

Bewerbungsschluss: 15.06.2024

Worum geht’s?

The National Gallery of Armenia was founded in 1921 by the decision of the Soviet Armenian Government, as the Art Department, one of the five departments of the State Museum. The National Gallery of Armenia is the country’s major art gallery. Nowadays National Gallery of Armenia has about 40 000 pieces of art, but only 10% of its treasures is exhibited in gallery's halls. Its collection is displayed in 56 halls, which allow the Gallery to tell the story of national visual arts, decorative-applied arts as well as world culture from ancient times to our days.

The volunteer will assist in the different departments of the National Gallery of Armenia (NGA). In these departments the volunteer will work on solving multiple tasks. The main tasks of volunteer include:

1. The volunteer will assist the excursion department of NGA. The work will be not only entertaining, but also educational. The volunteer will discover Armenian painters, treasures of NGA, to learn the history of the art and the science of museology in general.

2. Starting from 2016 National Gallery of Armenia is also a unique education center. The National Gallery of Armenia invites all children aged 6-14 to participate in summer school programs. Thematic- interactive and educational programs are organized for children including film and cartoon viewing, workshops.


Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

Interesse geweckt? Bewirb dich jetzt!


Haivu Doan esc@icja.de

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Disclaimer Dieser Datensatz wurde am 16.04.2024 selbstständig durch die Organisation 'ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V.' eingetragen. Eurodesk Deutschland übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit der angegebenen Daten!