SCI: Alliksaare Horse Farm I

18-88 Jahre

22.04.2024 bis 31.05.2024

200 €

Unterkunft, Verpflegung

Bewerbungsschluss: 17.05.2024

Worum geht’s?

Alliksaare Farm's main direction is horse breeding. At the moment there are around 150 horses on the farm. The work is diverse: it is to take care and maintain the pastures located by the sea - clearing around the pastures, building or removing fences, repairing fences, cleaning the stable. Another work is cleaning the coast nearby the farm from rubbish brought by storms. There can be some work for preparing food for horses for a winter time. But the most important work is with horses directly - taking care of them and to train horses. We have horses of any age, but mostly young horses, so depending on your experience and willingness to learn, it is possible to learn how to take care and train horses of all ages. For example socializing and training foals, halter train yearlings and saddle and/or carriage train young horses. The work will be mainly outdoors. Working time is 6-7 hours a day. Work will be done under some supervision and guidance of the local host but also quite a lot independently.

Unterstützerkreis / Spenderkreis / Förderkreis gewünscht: Nein

Interesse geweckt? Bewirb dich jetzt!


Ulrich Hauke 0228-212086

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Service Civil International - Deutscher Zweig e.V.

Der Service Civil International, kurz SCI, ist eine gemeinnützige, internationale Organisation, die sich durch Freiwilligenarbeit für Frieden, gewaltfreie Konfliktlösung, soziale Gerechtigkeit, nachhaltige Entwicklung und interkulturellen Austausch einsetzt. Der SCI verfügt über ein Netzwerk von über 43 nationalen Zweigen auf fünf Kontinenten und arbeitet mit etwa 80 Partnerorganisationen zusammen.

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